
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lowen, Intro and Chapter 1

Lies My Teacher Told Me  Screencast Link #1: Value to take away from chapter 1--> This chapter discussed the process of heroification of certain historical figures and the dangers that this causes over time in a classroom.  #2: Reflect on the significance and relate to teaching--> The significance is to ensure that as a teacher, I challenge my students to think more deeply, as well as give more substance to the curriculum that I teach.  #3: Big Question--> How do I teach students about both the good and bad things an historical figure may have accomplished without only focusing on the bad? This website goes into detail about Helen Keller's involvement as a socialist, which is a fact that Loewen emphasizes has been overlooked due to heroification in history classrooms. 

Cantu, Chapter 1

Screencast Link Cantu Reading  #1: Value to Take Away from Chapter 1--> Teaching is more than lecturing. There are structures and objectives to be met for each lesson and using a framework aids teachers in meeting the standards and objectives.  #2:Reflect on significance and relate to teaching--> Structure and lessons are how we measure if the content we are teaching is adhering to the standards and sticking with students after the lesson.  #3:Big Question--> Is there ever too much structure, or is there such a thing as adhering to the standards too closely? This website provides an overview of the necessity of structure in a classroom and how it is beneficial for the students and the teachers.

Screencast Link

Here is the link for my screencast! Enjoy. 😊